2-MMC / 2-Methylmethcathinone
2-MMC is a substance we sell only for research purposes and is not intended for consumption. 2-MMC can be researched for up to 2 years when stored in the proper environment.2C-E
Because 2-MMC is for research purposes only and not for consumption, it is important that 2-MMC be kept out of the reach of children and pets.4-HO-MET Fumarate
We offer good quality research chemicals at a fair price. Your order is shipped every day within 24 hours. Therefore, order 2MMC safely and quickly via !3-CMC Buy (3-Chloromethcathinone)
2-MMC properties
CAS Number: 1246911-71-6
Formula: C11h15NO - HCL
Molmass: 177.247
Purity: ≥99%
Hazard statements
2-MMC may cause respiratory irritation
2-MMC may cause eye irritation
Research chemicals discharge into the environment is prohibited
2-MMC IN CONTACT WITH EYES: Rinse eyes carefully with water for five minutes. Remove contact lenses if possible.3-MEO-PCP
2-MMC IN CONTACT WITH SKIN: Wash skin with soap and water.
AFTER INHALING 2-MMC: Move the victim into fresh air and have the victim in a position that makes breathing easy.3-MEC
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Thank you so much for your 5-star review! We will share this with the store team to let them know to keep up the great work.
Marloes (verified owner) -
Snelle levering en het product is van uitstekende kwaliteit.
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Thank you very much for your kind acknowledgement, customer satisfaction is always our goal.
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