DOC is a substance sold only for research purposes and is not intended for consumption. it belongs to the category of Phenethylamines. DOC is supplied on blotters and researching it can be done for up to 2 years when stored in the proper environment.
Because DOC is for research purposes only and not for consumption, it is important to keep the product out of the reach of children and pets.
We offer good quality research chemicals at a fair price. Your order is shipped every day within 24 hours. Therefore, order DOC safely and quickly through RCK!
What is DOC?
DOC, or 2,5-Dimethoxy-4-chloramphetamine, is a synthetic psychedelic compound belonging to the amphetamine family. It was first synthesized in the 1970s by Alexander Shulgin, a pioneer in psychedelic research.
DOC is known for its powerful psychedelic effects and is considered a long-acting psychedelic, with effects lasting up to 20 hours. The compound is chemically similar to other psychedelic compounds, but has a distinct chemical structure that gives it unique properties.2C-E
As a research chemical, DOC has been used to study the effects of psychedelic compounds on the brain and body. It has also been used in psychotherapy to help patients with anxiety, depression and other mental illnesses.
Despite its potential therapeutic benefits, DOC is not approved for human consumption and is listed as a controlled substance (Schedule I) in the United States, meaning it has a high abuse potential and no accepted medical use.
How did DOC come to be?
DOC, or 2,5-Dimethoxy-4-chloroamphetamine, was first synthesized in the 1970s by Alexander Shulgin, a chemist and pioneer in psychedelic research. Shulgin was interested in exploring the potential therapeutic benefits of psychedelic compounds and worked to develop new compounds that could be used in psychotherapy.DMXE 40mg Pellets (Deoxymethoxetamine)
Shulgin created DOC by modifying the chemical structure of the amphetamine compound and adding two methoxy groups and a chlorine atom to the molecule. The resulting compound had unique properties and proved to be very potent as a psychedelic drug.
DOC became popular in the 1990s as a recreational drug, with users seeking its long-lasting psychedelic effects. However, its use and possession is illegal in many countries, including the United States, where it is classified as a Schedule I controlled substance.
Despite its illegal status, DOC continues to be studied by researchers interested in the potential therapeutic benefits of psychedelic compounds. However, much more research is needed to fully understand DOC's effects on the brain and its body. Because of its legal status and potential risks, the use of DOC outside of scientific research is strongly discouraged.3-CMC Buy (3-Chloromethcathinone)
DOC properties
Synonym: 4-chloro-2,5-dimethoxy-a-methylbenzenethanamine, monohydrochloride
CAS Number: 42203-77-0
Formula: C11H16ClNO2 - HCL
Molmass: 266.2 g/MOL
Purity: ≥99%
Hazard statements
DOC can cause respiratory irritation
DOC can cause irritation in the eyes
Research chemicals discharge into the environment is prohibited
DOC IN CONTACT WITH EYES: Rinse eyes carefully with water for five minutes. Remove contact lenses if possible.
DOC IN CONTACT WITH SKIN: Wash skin with soap and water.4-HO-MET Fumarate
AFTER INHALATION OF DOC: Move the victim into fresh outdoor air and have the victim in a position that makes breathing easy.Alpha-PHP (a-PHP)
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"Schnelle Lieferung und die Produkte sind in perfektem Zustand angekommen. Sehr zu empfehlen für alle, die qualitativ hochwertige Chemikalien suchen."
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